This the the starting state forthe research. This screen provides auser an interface to store the Fixed data point that are single value.Students read the complate judgments and store the data in the relevant field of the screen interface.
For any research work structuring a data in a pre defined way is the basics of research. The single value data point generated in this screen structures the case law and sets it for the research. A law research student can store this date and useit for research work.
Following are the various Fixed Data Points that are generated using this screen interface
Title of the Case Law / Judgment
Judgments Date
Court Name
Court Bench ( If Applicable)
Judgment Type
Appeal Number
Judgment Bench Type
Judgment Disposition
Judgment Main Category
Judgment Sub Category
Appeal Count
Oher Optional Information that is to be generated
If Existing Judgment Is Overruled By Another Judgment
Data Collected from other source
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