Any research work whether data provided or data acquired, would never be in a format that makes life easy for research. First and foremost for any research project is working on data and extract valuable information from the data in hand.
a data in a structured format is the first step for a kick start of research work. The case laws provided are in random format. There can be some junk data also available in the case law. The Junk data has to be removed from the judgments text. The junk data that is removed from the judgment text is to be stored in the JUNK DATA Field.
Proper formatting and highlighting with paragraph to be maintained. It is important that student working with the proof reading also highlight following in the judgments text.
The above two are also the data points that have to be stored as FDP in the next stages of the research project. Highlighting these data points saves the time of the student while working with the other stages of the course.
The proof reading is more like a patience test a quality that every researcher mush have for initiating any research project. Through the research workshop and other course all the skills and quality of a research student be tests. The basic qualities of a researcher are intelligence, honesty, curiosity and initiative, enough knowledge, and good in oral and written communication. It cannot be denied that a researcher must be intelligent enough, applies for all profession not just a law student.
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