Jurisdiction is one of the data points thats are covered in the quantitative analysis of the case law research program opted by the law student for certificate and diploma courses offered by LawHub. A pre defined list of various jurisdiction is provided to each student. Students opting for the online certificate and the diploma courses have to research each of the allocated case laws and allocate the case laws to one of the Jurisdiction relevant to case laws, from the pre defined list availble.
Following is the list available for quantitative analysis of case laws related with jurisdiction
The Jurisdiction is broadly classified in three main categories Original, Appellate, Advisory.
To read more details, preview the following article in the BLOG section of the website
Jurisdiction- Original, Appellate and Advisory
Research Criterias for Jurisdiction based on the case laws researched
India is a country with several normative systems coexisting within the same territory. Having a multiplicity of systems facilitates the clashes of jurisdiction among them. This contribution studies the applicable rules in the India Judiciary system, the court of Law has to allocate jurisdiction among different legal systems, and how these rules advance or halt human rights. One particular way the country deals with conflicting jurisdictions is the request to relinquish jurisdiction that indigenous authorities may submit to ordinary courts if the former believe that the latter have no jurisdiction to hear a case. The decisions of ordinary courts on the request to relinquish jurisdiction will be analysed, as well as the impressions and opinions on the matter from academics, ordinary judges and prosecutors, indigenous authorities, activists and lawyers, all of them collected during three field research trips conducted in the country.
The conclusive research paper submitted for this topic should be a deeep analysis, that jurisdiction has a human rights impact. Every person has the right to be heard by a competent court, and barring that person from his/her natural judge is a fair trial violation.