Case law analysis is nothing but a deep study of the case laws required to analyse the significance of the case. Its relationship with similar cases decided in the past may be discussed, only if something new has come out in the present case. You can also discuss what the case reflects of the judiciary, their approach, problems (if any) with the judgement, its long term impact etc. Following can be a common FAQ's that comes to mind while framing the Analysis/Conclusion of the case law.
Was all the issues and arguments or some were ignored by the court?
How well was is justified with its reasoning
How logical or consistent was the the reasoning?
Whether the reasoning was exemplified with any similar cases in past?
How appropriate was law intrepreted?
Whether the final decision abides or contradicts with the existing law?
Can there be an impact on existing law based on the descision?
Various policies implication of the descision?
In case of any omission, can this have impact on merit of the decision?
Any alternative approach which could lead to more appropriate public policy in this area?
How appropriate was the final descision?
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