Online Case Law Research Programs, Online Certificate Programs In Law Law : Cyber Crimes In India Cyber Crimes In India ================================================================================ siteadmin on 11/03/2024 04:09:00 As the population of internet users (netizens) escalate, dark web population swells up and is proportionate to ballooning netizens . Imperiling in culmination of various online crimes by common netizens and high-end criminals using dark web. This new generation high tech crimes termed as "CYBERCRIMES". Cybercrimes are now getting enlisted top ranked in category chart for criminal activities, globally. Factors that lead to the cybercrimes can be urbanization, population density, law enforcement agencies, Security & Technical breaches, Unemployment of the educated youth, etc. Some of security breaches causing majority of cybercrimes can as follows: * Weak Passwords for login credentials to services *Insecure Computers or Networks with Improper Firewall setting *Antiviruses not frequently updated resulting in malwares on devices *Device not protect by Spyware that lead to infiltration of various spyware on devices *Security and Privacy Setting of Social Media Accounts *Mobile Apps downloaded from unsecured and fictitious websites *Improper backups and storage of secured date on devices *Using Unsecure wireless connection for financial transactions , critical data transfers or even using login credentials *Avoid making your E-Identity Public *Visting / Clicking links on email or messaging apps send from unknow sources *Downloading email attaching from anonymous mail ids Considering all the above causes, leading to cybercrimes is just basic awareness that can save a person from being a victim of cybercrimes. various type of cybercrimes caused as a result of above mention, enlisted below: *Email Scams *Social Media Fraud *Banking Fraud *eCommerce Fraud *Malware *Ransomware *Cyber Espionage *Data Breaches *Computer Viruses *DDoS Attacks *Software Piracy *Phishing Scams *Identity Theft *Online Harassment *Cyber Terrorism REPORTED CYBERCRIMES IN INDIA In 2023, Crimes reported with the National Cybercrime Reporting Portal was recorded as 129 per 1,00,000 population calibrated across all states in India. Among all the states Delhi, the capital of India ranks number 1 among te total number of cybercrimes reported per 1,00,000 population, while the net 2 states in the raking are Chandigarh and Haryana The top 5 States in India for registered cybercrimes are as per TABLE 1 TABLE 1 Sno State Name Reported Cybercrimes 01 DELHI 755 02 CHANDIGARH 432 03 HARYANA 381 04 TELANGANA 261 05 UTTARAKHAND 243 Following are the mechanism for reporting cybercrimes India HELPLINE 1930 is the The National Cybercrime Number, it benefitted over 4.3 lakh persons who where victimized with cyybercrime, in last three years. This helpline number records over 50,000 cals/day. December-2023 responded to 1212063 calls recived. ONLINE NCRP PORTAL: The NATIONAL CYBERCRIME REPORTING PORTAL ( More than 31 lakh cybercrime were reported online. Based on the online cybercrime reported, 66,000 FIR ( First Information Reports ) we registered by the Law enforcement agencies acro various states and UT's. Total 13,10,329 complains were regired related with the finacial crimes with Helpline numbers and online NCRP Portals. CYBERCRIME GROWTH IN INDIA Cybercrime has no boundaries related with latiitude and longitude of the geographical location of cribercrime victims and the cribercrime criminals. Building blocks for cybercrimes can be many and beyond the scope of this article, but i have tried to generate an abstract that leverage cybercrime growth in India and then fulcrum of cybercrime. Growth in Internet userbase. Internet had redefined modus oprandi of conducting business, globally. This basically driven by the fact of unparallel advantages of internet that has more become a part of Business Process Re-Engineering for operations. The growth in awareness and userbase of netizen has further propelled businesses to move online. Rising smartphone users, high speed lines, ISP cost,etc are the prime growth factor for users in India. Some statistics of internet users and Mobile phone users *As per the records by digital India portal, the total userbase of netizen recorded 751.5 million at start of JAN-2024. This Marks YOY growth of 2.9%, increased by 19 million users. *Internet penetration Recorded 52.4%. *A total of 1.12 billion cellular mobile connections were active in India in early 2024, evaluates to 78% of the total population of the country. *Another factor that propelled the internet userbase is social media. In January 2024, 32.2% of India's Population were registered on various social media, that numbered 462.0 million. The above data is as per the digital India portal. The actual data can be higher than the reported data, as data acquisition is complex scenario and time-consuming analysis of internet user. it can often take several months before research is ready for publication.