Online Case Law Research Programs, Online Certificate Programs In Law Law : Pharmaceutical Drug Manufactures Can They Buy Anything & Everything? Pharmaceutical Drug Manufactures Can They Buy Anything & Everything? ================================================================================ siteadmin on 10/01/2024 15:38:00 Pharmaceutical industries, Now and then are in news for various malpractices. The crimes more organized, involves a network. Drug Cartels are the CEO’s of various Pharmaceutical Industries joining hands for common goals. Any cartel for the welfare of society and countries economy should be always praised, supported applauded and honored. Any Cartel that sounds like Medellín Cartel (CEO-Pablo Escobar) harming society, health, causing deaths or disability of human body is big threat to the society. Law intervention for such cartels to hold their horses, is mandatory. The term Drug Mafia, emerged and mushroomed even on the digital platforms that are being used as a synonym for a noble profession—“No Smoke without a Fire”. What remains a question is how Law should penalize such network of culprits or the cartels in flagrante delicto, causing harm. Money for death if that’s the verdict, the fat wallet criminal can never eschew to cause damage. *Felonious Kickbacks *Tampered Clinical trials *Fraud against the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) *Violation Drugs and Cosmetics Act, 1940 & Rules, 1945 *Failure to comply with Good Manufacturing Practices (GMP) *Compounded drug fraud *Illegal drug-switching *Misuse of DPCO (Drug Pricing Control Order) *Medicaid best price fraud *Medicare Part D Fraud* *Fraud by Pharmacy Benefit Managers (PBMs) Treachery that dented balance Sheets of Pharmaceutical Giants 1. GLAXO SMITH KLINE - $3 Billion (2012) *Civil Liabilities $2 Billion *Forfieture 43.1 Million *Criminal Fines 956.8 Million Plead guilty to misdemeanor criminal charges 2. PFIZER $2.3 Billion (2009) *Criminal Fines 1.3 Million *Civil Settlement of Illegal Drug Promotion - $1 Billion False Promotion of *BEXTRA Valdecoxib tablets *GEODON Ziprasidone-Capsules *LYRICA Pregabalin *ZYVOX LineZolid IV oral Allegation of Paying Kickbacks and submitting false claims to government 3. JHONSON & JHONSON - $2.2 Billion (2013) *Civil Liabilities $1.72 Billion *Forfieture $419 Million *Criminal Fines $66 Million RISPERDAL divalproex Sodium Guilty for misbranding Antiphycotic drug RISPERDAL allegations include off Labelling Marketing & Kickbacks to Doctors & Pharmacists 4. ABOT - $1.5 Billion (2012) *Civil Settlements $800 Million *Criminal Fines 500 Million *Forfieture 198.5 Million *Virginia Medical Fraud Control Unit $1.5 Million DEPAKOTE divalproex Sodium Guilty for criminal felony for unlawful promotion prescription drug DEPAKOTE for uses not approved by FDA 5. ELI- $1.5 Billion (2009) *Civil Settlements $800 Million *Criminal Fines 500 Million *Forfieture 198.5 Million *Virginia Medical Fraud Control Unit $1.5 Million Guilty for promotion of antiphycotic drug ZYPREXA for uses not approved by FDA ACTOS diabetes drugs $2.4 billion In 2015, Takeda Pharmaceutical, had agreed to pay $2.4 billion over claims that Takeda concealed the safety risks of its Actos diabetes drug extended use could cause bladder cancer. Any crime giving profit to the offenders and health issues to the consumers, should be penalised by the law administrator for healthier society. The concerned authorities should wake up and take the remedial steps to be prevented it as practitioners are earn more and more profit and hence conducting white collar crime. Now, the point is can they buy everything and anything, when pharma scams can be like a genocide in the society, direct hits the human of various nations. CONCLUSION White-collar crime that can sound like professional in Uniform. Drug Cartels and the Drug Mafia (term popularly emerging on internets on various blog sites and social media). Such industry and the cartels end up more hazardous than Mandelins Cartel for the society, flimflam disrupting mental and physical health of people. Stronger Law enforced on the complete network, rather than the manufacturer walking of after shedding off some millions/billion from their vault.