Online Case Law Research Programs, Online Certificate Programs In Law Law : Cyber Crime Legal Services Rise with Cyber Threats Cyber Crime Legal Services Rise with Cyber Threats ================================================================================ siteadmin on 26/09/2023 01:07:00 As more and more business move online, cybercrime activities also propel. Cyber crime is a crime that is committed using an internet connection and a computer and hand held devices. Losses from cybercrime is anticipate to record $10 Trillion USD by 2025. Cybercrimes have become an issue of international concern. There is no country that can blow its own trumpet to claim not overblown by cybercrimes. Cyber Laws in India:- ( Follow Author on Twitter) Cybercrime is a technology driven crime, and with rising Technlogies its keep the cyber security and cybercriminal into ceaseless cat and mouse game. As the cybercrimes soar up, exclusive legal service for cybercrimes are now being focused by many Law Companies and individual advocates. To combat against cybercrimes various agencies, cybercrime laws, Law Companies are hyperactive with a common goal of all hands uniting to provide cyber-security. To combat, cybercrimes, laws have been enforced in each country to refrain crimes and punish cyber criminals Every action and reaction occurring in the cyberspace has some legal and cyber legal perspectives. The term cyberlaws is used to address the legal issues occurring in cyberspace. It is an integration of various laws to deal with and resolve such issues and challenges posed by humanity on the web every day. As cybercrime is a field still developing towards specialization, there is absolutely no comprehensive law to deal with it, anywhere in the world till date. But Government of India has the Information Technology Act, 2000 in force to regulate the malicious activities on the web that violate the rights of an internet user. At times, one may find that there are provisions of the IPC and IT Act that penalize such activities overlap each other. The Legal services for cybercrimes in India are covered under IT Act, 2000. This IT Act, 2000 covers various cybercrimes activities like Data theft, Source code theft, Hacking, DDoS, Ransomware, Virus, Pornography laws, Facebook abuse, online defamation, child pornography laws, Cyber stalking, revenge porn, Ecommerce laws,), IPR (Trademark & Copyright registration and cases) Online Banking frauds, Cryptocurrency & Blockchain, credit card frauds, email fraud, Stock market frauds, Privacy law, Digital Wallet issues, Electronic evidence issues, etc Various Cyber Crimes basically can be of following categories A. Targeting Computers and devices linked with Internet *Loss of data *Data privacy *Software Piracy Software B. Using Computers and devices linked with Internet *Cyber-stalking/Cyber Bullying *Online financial theft Following Cyber Crime Criminals examples *Black Hat Hackers *Cyberstalks *Cyber terrorists *Scammers ==================== Some of the Most common Cyber crimes using internet and electronic devices.are Counterfeiting, Money laundering Embezzlement, Tax evasion Intellectual property infringement.