Artificial intelligence (AI) technology can be only be unknown to you, if you still in the palaeolithic era of society. AI has been making inroads into nearly all walks of life today. While AI has made a transformative impact on every major industry and profession, its potential for use in the legal profession has not been tapped adequately. The legal Industry is bound to witness the paradigm shift, with AI having an impact legal services.
AI in law is mainly propelled by the advancement in the technology and its use by legal fraternity. AI as on date has become a debatable technology, in terms of its usage for decision making. It’s easy to say, “Oh no, that Artificial Intelligence algorithm is racist, sexist, or even ageist.” It’s easy to point the fingers and fire accusations against our machine counterparts.
The power of intelligence, for a machines stems around the volume of data to fill its appetite. Feeding and interrelating these data are basically with the algorithm that are designed for the machine to provide effective decision.Talking about Law the data is mammoth. Feeding these data with an algorithm that interrelates various data points to provide an affirmative decision.The future holds extensive use for the application of AI in the realm of judiciary, courtesy rapid technological progress and computational power growing exponentially, not forgetting rapid price downfall of these devices.
In a nut shell, AI can be defined as a science that makes machines intelligent. AI harnesses “cognitive computing” that enables a machine to review, justify, foresee, interact and be decisive almost like human brains. NLP ( Natural Language Processing), ML (machine learning) with in-depth learning and predictive analytics are various limbs of AI.
KEYWORD : Artificial Intelligence in Law, AI in Legal, AI in LAW
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